Saturday 12 December 2015

Week 10

Welcome to week 10
We are finally at the end of 2016- thank you all for being such a stunning group of parents to work with. Your support and care of your children has made this a fantastic year in Room 14.

This week your children will be bringing home all of their belongings that they have. Please help them to empty school bags so that they have space for more belongings the next day!!

Monday: at 10.15 on Monday children will be visiting their new class and teacher for 2016
Tuesday: Mrs voller teaching and 1.30pm ultimate school relay (dress in house colours)- Picnic in the park 4.30 on field, bring your dinner
Wednesday: last day of the year. Whole school final assembly at 11.15 in the school hall-all welcome to attend. When the assembly finishes at approx 12.30 you can take your child home.

If I do not get to catch up with you all before school ends-I wish you all a very safe and happy holiday.

Anna Wylie

Saturday 5 December 2015

Week 9

Welcome to our last full week of school for 2016!

I hope that you are enjoying the little Christmas Crafts that are coming home!

This week is our second week of swimming so please ensure swimming togs come to school every day! We are swimming from 10am till 10.30am.

Our Week ahead....

Monday: Swimming starts! Senior school talent quest- 1.30 pm in hall
Tuesday: Mrs Voller
Wednesday: Junior School Talent Quest 1.30 pm in the hall
Thursday: Whole school Assembly
Friday: Middle School Talent Quest 1.30 pm in the hall.
At 2pm I will be attending a meeting. Room 14 children can be collected from Room 13 at 3pm on Friday.

Please remember to return all Library books and any reading books that you may have hiding around the place!

Have a fabulous week

Mrs Wylie

Saturday 28 November 2015

Week 8

Welcome to week 8

We roll into December this week!

Room 14 had a fabulous start to swimming- I imagine that there were some very tired children last week. This week they have a week to recharge before we launch into our second week of swimming in week 9. We said goodbye to Quinn and his family- we wish them all the best for their travels home and new beginnings. Thank you all for remembering to pack your children's togs each day.

I enjoyed catching up with you all at parent interviews, I love sharing your children's wonderful progress. If you were unable to attend parent interviews, your child's report and class placement for 2016 has been posted out to you.

Please ensure that Library Books are returned to school tomorrow.

Our Week ahead
Monday: Library Day and Mrs Rentoul will be taking care of Room 14 while I am on leave. 
Tuesday: Mrs Voller and Junior Choir trip to Ilam Lifecare.
Wednesday: N/A
Thursday: Whole School Assembly at 2.15
Friday: Discovery and Singing.

A look back at week 7.......

Swim week 1

Good bye Quinn- we had a shared picnic lunch to farewell Quinn,

Saturday 21 November 2015

Week 7

Welcome to Week 7

Only 3 and a half more weeks till the end of the term!

Remember Swim fortnight starts THIS WEEK! please make sure that your child has their swimming togs every day this week. We will be leaving school at 1.30 and will be back at school by 3pm.

Shared Lunch
On Friday we are all very sad to farewell Quinn and his family who are returning to the USA. This Friday we will have a shared lunch to say goodbye, Please could you send your child to school with a plate of food to share with the class.

Our Value this week is being SAFE and helping others

Monday: Library Day
Tuesday: Mrs Voller
Wednesday: Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday: Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday: Farewell shared lunch for Quinn

Wheels day

Wheels were everywhere for our Wacky Wheels Wednesday!

Thursday 19 November 2015

Swimming Starts on Monday


Swimming starts on Monday the 23rd of November (this Monday!) Remember to bring ...

  • Swimming Togs
  • Towel
  • Goggles if needed
  • All named and in a bag
You will need your togs EVERY day during week 7 and 9.

Congratulations Chloe!

Well done Chloe!

Chloe received a T-shirt from Mainland Football for being such a good sport! She had a positive attitude and played a great game during our Soccer tournament on Tuesday.